Ian's involvement with Millennium Farm Trust late 1990's to 2008-9.

Created by Bernadette 3 years ago

Ian has profoundly changed many people’s lives. 

Words are insufficient to convey his inspiring character and persona.

I first met Ian in the late 1990’s when he kindly hosted  work experience visits for my brother with learning disabilities and autism and his support worker at Old Hall. Ian strove to provide as many interesting experiences as possible taking into account my brother's particular interest with farm machinery.

Some months afterwards Ian became involved with Millennium Farm Trust initially as senior support worker( later deputy farm manager)  with our teams working at a Rare Breeds farm and sometimes on public conservation projects. In later years he would come to Rede Hall to help when other staff were away or there was a large task scheduled.  It was soon evident that he not only had skills in farming and practical problem solving but had the unusual talent of being able to work and communicate with everybody.

He then asked Old Hall Committee if MFT could come to Old Hall to benefit from the wide spectrum of farming and associated activities at Old Hall, East Bergholt.
This was a huge opportunity for a small emerging charity trying to give adults with learning disabilities/difficulties as many real life farming and countryside opportunities as possible. See pictures in the gallery of some of the tasks Ian and MFT members undertook .

Though quiet and unassuming by nature it was evident that Ian totally believed in enabling and giving equal opportunities to all. Ian practised these beliefs consistently working alongside individuals and ensuring no-one was left out in activities or conversation.

His patience, smiles, quiet humour, talents, calm manner, his skill for enabling and being inclusive, his life skills in addition to his engineering and technical knowledge all contributed to the Ian we knew.

Ian was involved in many aspects of the charity and his support never faltered.

All the beneficiaries and colleagues within Millennium Farm Trust enjoyed working with Ian and had immense respect for him. Sylvia also welcomed and supported the team members sharing her time, enthusiasm and skills generously.Lasting friendships were formed with both of them.

To have known and worked with Ian was a huge privilege for all the MFT team members 

Ian will be an enduring inspiration to many, many people.

Bernadette Shrubshall ( also on behalf of former MFT members)